"You want to see us?" asked the youth who leaned out the window. He was blond and bare-chested. Beyond him the man could see the driver, another teenager, but dark-haired.

"Why should I want to see you?" countered the man. His palms were sweaty on the wheel.

"Thought you might have something for us," said the youth.

"Depends on what you're looking for."

"It's a hot night and we could use some beer to cool off. But we're too young to buy it ourselves."

"I could get some,” the man said cooly, belying the fires that raged within. "Could use some myself. What say I get some and meet you somewhere?"

"How about your place?" suggested the youth.

"I'd just as soon not. How about somewhere here in the park?" "By the lagoon?" It was the driver who spoke.

"All right. I'll see you in about ten minutes."

Time flew, the clerk in the crowded liquor store was slow, and it was closer to twenty minutes when the man approached the meeting place. What if they've gone, he thought, and his thought was echoed by a whine from the hungry beast. To his great relief, the man recognized their car; as he passed he honked and they followed to a little-used, wooded section of the park. Together they walked to a clearing behind some bushes.

"You sure no one'll see us?" the blond boy asked nervously. His companion remained silent, but it was easy to see that he, too, was nervous.

"Of course," said the man with a smile. "Hardly anyone comes to this part of the park. Even if they do, what'll they see?"

"Two under-age kids drinkin' beer," said the dark-haired youth. "Don't you live near here? Can't we go to your place?"

Ignoring the beast, the man said, "Maybe later. And if somebody comes we can toss the beer into the grass."

The boys seemed little satisfied, but they joined the man on the grass. He opened three cans, passed them around and they drank silently. Three times cars passed and each time the boys ducked. Finally, after the second can of beer, the dark-haired youth spoke.

"I don't like it here," he said. "Too many people going by and one car might be the cops. If we can't go to your place we're gonna go." He got to his feet, stretched and the beast howled madly.


The man relented. "Okay," he said, "but let's finish this six pack first. When the empty cans had been pitched into the grass, they got to their feet. The boys stood nervously, wiping their palms on their jeans.

"Is it far?" asked the blond.

"Not far. Why do you ask?"

"We don't have much gas," said the other, "and not much money for more." "We'll get there," the man promised.

The procession got underway once more in the same order. The man watched in the rear-view mirror to see they didn't get too far behind, stopped and waited once when they were held up by a trafic light. Don't worry, he assured the beast, you'll soon be fed. They arrived at his apartment.

"Nice place you've got here," said the blond as he looked around.

“Yeah,” echoed his companion, "real nice. And quiet,” he added. “Where'll we sit?"

"One of you can sit on the bed," said the man emphasizing 'bed'. "I'll open
